the day we went to jungfraujoch

This post is from our travel blog – here is how we had to see the bad weather at Jungfraujoch from a brighter perspective 🙂

wise monkeys abroad

Jungfraujoch has eluded us once again but we did get one step closer this time!! Maybe next time – we will actually see a view.

Back in 2006, our day excursion to Jungfraujoch was cancelled so we never even got to go up to the top of Europe. At least this time round, we did!

It was three trains up: (1) Interlaken Ost to Lauterbrunnen (2) Lauterbrunnen to Kleine Schneidigg (3) Kleine Schneidigg to Jungfraujoch

We made it up there but what did we see?? Nothing when we got to the top, except snow and white clouds. Well, actually we lie a little… It was blowing a “blizzard” (at least that is what it felt) when David ducked outside to take this photo!


Up to 3454 metres (11 333 feet) where the air was thin, Le was feeling a little woozy from the high altitude so maybe it was a good thing we didn’t…

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the law of attraction

A few weeks ago, we read a blog post about Alan Watts. And we had “tried” committing his name to memory at the time, thinking that we would like to read his books.

As we are currently travelling, our minds are clearly so relaxed that his name completely slipped our minds.

Just the other day, David asked Le “What was that author’s name again?”

And we both could NOT remember.

Today we logged onto Facebook and a friend of ours had shared a link to an article worth reading about Alan Watts!

How about that?? The Laws of Attraction?? So this is proof that there are more then just coincidences in life! Maybe we do have the power to send out the messages and attract what it is we are looking for…. Happiness and positivity included!

Anyway, Alan Watts is definitely an author we would like to add to our reading list.

Here is a quote from his book “Become What You Are“.

“Life exists only at this very moment, and in this moment it is infinite and eternal. For the present moment is infinitely small; before we can measure it, it has gone, and yet it exists forever. . . . You may believe yourself out of harmony with life and its eternal Now; but you cannot be, for you are life and exist Now.”

apothecary for the soul

One of the world’s oldest libraries, the library of the Abbey of St Gallen in Switzerland, which we visited today has inscribed in Greek over the entry: “apothecary for the soul”.

Is that suggesting that knowledge heals the soul?

Or that reading provides comfort?

Or that books can make spiritual health better?

Regardless, seeing those words reinforces to us that life doesn’t need to be rushed and that we should make the time to read.

We love reading and it makes us happy but sometimes we make excuses that we are too busy. Not anymore… we should do what makes us happy 🙂